Assumption Life Bursary 2025 Amount: $1,500(x8) Deadline: Deadline: April 30th 2025 Info: Assumption Life - For Individuals - Assumption Life To qualify for this bursary, a student must be Canadian, enrolled full time at a post-secondary learning establishment (cegep, college, university) as of next fall, have an academic average of at least 70%, and require […]
Riverview Minor Basketball Association Scholarship Amount: Undetermined Information: Grad who is a current or former registered player of Riverview Minor Basketball Association. Due date: April 30th, 2025 Attachment: Riverview Minor Basketball Association April 30
RHS only – Riverview Minor Hockey Club Alumni Memorial Scholarship Amount: $500 Information: Graduating RHS student pursuing post-secondary education who played with RMHC. Due date: April 30th, 2025 Attachment: RMHC Alumni Memorial Scholarship April 30
RHS only – Rob McLure Memorial Scholarship Amount: $500 Information: Graduating RHS student pursuing post-secondary education who played with RMHC. Must be going into the fields of Engineering or STEM. Due date: April 30th, 2025 Attachment: Rob McLure Memorial Scholarship April 30
Amount: 4 x $1000 Deadline: April 30, 2025 Info: 37480b4f-a7ca-47f8-86fb-65722eeec918.docx Eligibility: Open to graduating high school students from the general public, as well as those whose family member is a member of the New Brunswick Real Estate Board. The most important criteria for selection will be the student's involvement in their community, volunteer work, and […]
RHS only – Dwayne Muir, Keller Williams Entrepreneurial Spirit Award Amount: $500 Information: awarded to a Riverview High School student who aspire to be a business owner, or are currently working in a situation that is similar that could use this support. Due date: May 1st, 2025 Attachment: Keller Williams Realty May 1
RHS only – Rehab 1 “Time to Shine” Educational Bursary Amount: $500 Information: Must write an essay explaining a moment where you made a positive impact on someone else and demonstrated the Rehab One Performance Center motto, “Time to Shine”. Due Date: May 1st, 2025 Attachment: Rehab 1 May 1
RHS Only – Cobb’s Funeral Home Educational Scholarship Amount: $500 Information: Scholarship will be awarded to a Riverview High School student accepted and enrolled in post-secondary studies in the fall. The criteria for this scholarship is entrepreneurial spirit, student involvement in community and school activities, financial need and marks Date: May 1st, 2025 Attachment: Cobb Funeral Home May […]
RHS only – Lower Coverdale Home and School Amount: $250 Information: Must have attended Lower Coverdale school and be a grad of Riverview High School. Due date: May 1st, 2025 Attachment: Lower Coverdale School May 1
RHS only – Bumper to Bumper Bursary Amount: $250-$500 Information: This bursary is open to any RHS student who will be attending an accredited University or College for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year. In the application, students must include a handwritten essay explaining their career path and how they see their industry now, and how they see it evolving in the […]
Amount: 4 x $1000 Deadline: May 1, 2025 Info: Officials who will be graduating grade 12 and will be attending a registered post-secondary educational institution this fall. NBHOA_Scholarship_Form_Blank_2024.pdf NBHOA_Scholarship_Letter_2024.pdf
Amount: $1000 Deadline: May 1, 2025 Info: Dairy Farmers of New Brunswick is offering a $1000 Entrance Scholarship in memory of individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the dairy industry in New Brunswick. It is hoped that the young men and women who benefit from this scholarship will become tomorrow’s contributors to agriculture in […]
Amount: $1000 Deadline: May 1, 2025 Info: Applicant must be a resident of the province of New Brunswick. First-year applicants must be accepted in an approved technician or technology program in order to be considered. Applicant may be entering any year of a technician or Technology diploma or Certification program relating to Agriculture […]
Amount: 3 x $1000 Deadline: May 2, 2025 Info: EAM Scholarship and Bursary Application Package 3 scholarships: The Epilepsy Association of the Maritimes’ Memorial Scholarship is open to all students who live with epilepsy in the Maritime Provinces and is based on academic performance. Applicants must have an overall average mark of 80 percent or […]
Amount: $1,000 (several scholarships) Deadline: May 4th, 2025 Info: 2025-26 John Eisner Financial Literacy Scholarship Application Scholarships for Post-Secondary Students l
Amount: University Award $1,500 and College Award $ 800 Deadline: May 5th, 2025 Info: CFUWMoncton-EducationAwardsApplication2025-HS (2) (1) (1) Criteria: ü Female 2025 high school graduate. ü Must be entering university or college in the fall of 2025. ü Education Awards will be given for any undergraduate university degree or any college program.
RHS only – BGC Riverview Bursary Amount: $1,000 Information: The students must have contributed or been involved with BGC Riverview for a minimum of 50 hours in their lifetime. Due date: May 7th, 2025 Attachment: BGC Riverview May 7
Amount: 2 x $1000 Deadline: May 9th, 2025 Info: Jolene M Conway Bursary Application - English 2025 The Jolene M. Conway Memorial Athletic Bursary was created in 2024 to help student athletes in their pursuit of excellence.
Amount: $1000 Deadline: May 9th, 2024. Info: - Student must be in full-time attendance at an accredited university, community college, or certified program in Canada as of October 31, 2025. → Student must be an OMISTA Credit Union customer, child, or grandchild of an OMISTA customer. → Student must display a financial need. → Student […]
Amount: $40,000 Deadline: May 14, 2025 Info: RHF_R&AScholarship_Guidelines_2025 RHF_ScholarshipForYouth_11x17_Poster The Rick & Amanda Hansen Scholarship for Youth with Disabilities | Rick Hansen Foundation
RHS only – Riverview Minor Baseball Jared Christie Memorial Bursary Amount: $500 Information: Currently enrolled in Riverview High School grade 12 year, will start PSE program any time after 2025 graduation up to and no later than September 2025, must be a current or former registered player of Riverview Minor Baseball Association and must have played in […]
Riverview PC Association Bursary Amount: $500 Information: Applicants must live within the boundaries of the Electoral District 23 Riverview. Date: May 15, 2025 Attachment: Riverview Progressive Conservative Association Bursary May 15
RHS only – Riverview Knights of Columbus Council # 9270 Bursary Amount: $500 X 4 Information: Given to children and grandchildren of Knights of Columbus Council #9270 for graduating students of Riverview High School entering an accredited or private post-secondary institution. Should no Riverview High School graduates apply, children and grandchildren of Knights of Columbus Council […]
Amount: 6 x $500 (one per high school) Deadline: May 15, 2025 Info: Bursary Application.eng (fillable) Scholarship - Three Fathers Memorial This bursary is awarded to a student who has shown a strong commitment to their community through volunteer work or other forms of engagement and has also demonstrated resilience in the face of challenges.* […]
RHS Only – Dr. Deborah Bowser Bursary Amount: $500 Information: Must be a female graduate from Riverview High School Due date: May 15th, 2025 Attachment: Dr Deborah Bowser May 15th
RHS only – Riverview Professional Firefighter Scholarship Amount: $500 Information: Must be a resident of the town of Riverview pursing post-secondary education. Due date: May 15th, 2025 Attachment: Riverview Professional Firefighter May 15
RHS only – Riverview Lions Club Scholarship Amount: $1500 x 2 Website: Information: RHS grad pursuing post-secondary education. Please bring to RHS guidance AND email your application to INFORIVERVIEWLIONS@GMAIL.COM Due date: May 15th, 2025
RHS only – Davidson Physiotherapy Bursary Amount: $500 Information: Awarded to a Riverview High School graduate accepted and enrolled in a post-secondary program in the fall. The criteria for this bursary are enrollment in a science or health focused program, involvement in community and/or school activities and academic marks. Due date: May 15th, 2025 Attachment: Davidson Physiotherapy May 15th
RHS only – Davidson Physiotherapy Bursary Amount: $500 Information: Awarded to a Riverview High School graduate accepted and enrolled in a post-secondary program in the fall. The criteria for this bursary are enrollment in a science or health focused program, involvement in community and/or school activities and academic marks. Due date: May 15th, 2025 Attachment: RHS Paul A. LeBlanc May […]
Amount: $500 Information: parent or grandparent is a current teacher in Anglophone East or whose parent or grandparent was a teacher in the district and has retired. Please note that the retired parent or the retired grandparent must be a current member of GMART. Due date: May 16th, 2025 Attachment: GMART May 16
Amount: $5000 Deadline: May 31, 2025 Info: Application Form | D. Michael A. Rudder RRCF focuses its scholarships on wellness enabling (e.g. kinesiology, nursing, nutrition, pharmacy, elder care); business (e.g. accounting, commerce, economics, statistics, finance); and trade skills training (e.g. agriculture, construction, culinary arts, electrician, mechanic, welding, hair dressing).