RHS only – West Riverview Home and School
Amount: $500 Information: Must have attended West Riverview School and be a grad of Riverview High School. Due date: May 19th, 2023 Attachment: West Riverview Home and School May 19
Amount: $500 Information: Must have attended West Riverview School and be a grad of Riverview High School. Due date: May 19th, 2023 Attachment: West Riverview Home and School May 19
Amount: $500 Information: Must be a female graduate from Riverview High School Due date: May 19th, 2023 Attachment:Dr Deborah Bowser May 19th
Amount: $250 Information: Attended Claude D. Taylor School for at least four years with plans to attend post-secondary education following graduation. Date: May 19th, 2023 Attachment: CDT Scholarship Application
Amount: undetermined Information: Must have attended Riverview East School and be a grad of Riverview High School. Due date: May 19th, 2023 Attachment: Riverview East May 19
Amount: $2,000 x 12 Website: The 2023 NB Proud Awards - Opportunities New Brunswick (onbcanada.ca) Information: The bursary is open to Canadians and newcomers to Canada who have completed the requirements for high school graduation in New Brunswick and have been accepted into a post-secondary program offered in the province. Due date: May 22nd, 2023
Amount: Varied amounts Information: Must be a current or past Girl Guide. Due date: May 25th, 2023 ANN-CONNOLLY-GIRL-GUIDE-SCHOLARSHIP-May-25
Amount: $500 Website: 3d89ff_faff1b9c1bd54403953e7f0ac42f0a90.docx (live.com) Information: Must be a female individual with financial need, who is actively pursuing an education and/or certification at an accredited institution for the up-coming academic year. Due date: May 26th, 2023
Amount: $250 x 2 Information: Must have attended Frank L. Bowser School and be a grad of Riverview High School. Due date: May 26th, 2023 Attachment: FLB Alumni Bursary - 2023 Application
Amount: $5,000 Website: https://www.medavie.ca/en/community-impact/medavie-scholarship/ Information: Awarded to a youth who has overcome adversity related to mental health and is pursuing health-related post-secondary studies (E.g. social work, nursing, nutrition, psychology, physical education, community recreation, etc.) Due date: May 26th, 2023
Amount: $1,000 Website: Application Form (thenbccfoundationinc.ca) Information: For students planning on attending NBCC, CCNB or NBCCD in the fall. Must return to the school counsellor before the due date. Due date: May 27th, 2023
Amount: 1000$ Information: Open to HTHS graduating students Due Date: May 29th, 2023 Attachment: HTHS Jeff Barnes Bursary May 29 2023
Amount: $500 Website: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d3fa618df8ec30001a7a793/t/5e6686b395aba23ba90231c1/1583777459373/Application+Form+for+Scholarship.pdf Information: Be a resident of Beaubassin Est Rural Community, meet the criteria; a random draw will determine recipient. Due date: April 30th, 2023