RHS only – Bumper to Bumper Bursary

Amount: $500 Information: This Bursary is valued at $500 and is open to any student who will be attending an accredited University or College for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year. […]

RHS only – Riverview Kinsmen Bursary

Amount: $500 Information: Riverview High School graduate who demonstrate high ideals and qualities of citizenship, financial need. Due date: May 19th, 2023 Attachment: Riverview Kinsmen May 19

Royal Canadian Legion Hillsborough Branch #32 Bursary

Amount: not specified – to be determined by the Legion Bursary Committee Information: Eligible applicants include potential grads from Caledonia Regional High School and Riverview High School. Applicants from RHS […]

RHS only – West Riverview Home and School

Amount: $500 Information: Must have attended West Riverview School and be a grad of Riverview High School. Due date: May 19th, 2023 Attachment: West Riverview Home and School May 19

RHS only – Riverview East Home and School

Amount: undetermined Information:  Must have attended Riverview East School and be a grad of Riverview High School. Due date: May 19th, 2023 Attachment: Riverview East May 19

RHS only – Frank L. Bowser Home and School

Amount: $250 x 2 Information: Must have attended Frank L. Bowser School and be a grad of Riverview High School. Due date: May 26th, 2023 Attachment: FLB Alumni Bursary - […]

Beaubassin Est Scholarship

Amount: $500 Website: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d3fa618df8ec30001a7a793/t/5e6686b395aba23ba90231c1/1583777459373/Application+Form+for+Scholarship.pdf Information: Be a resident of Beaubassin Est Rural Community, meet the criteria; a random draw will determine recipient. Due date: April 30th, 2023