Childhood Cancer Scholarship

Amount: $1,500 Website: Information: Has been treated (or are currently being treated) for childhood cancer (diagnosis must have occurred on or before your 18th birthday), must be enrolled in a […]

NBHOA Scholarships

Amount: $1,000 Information: you must be an NBHOA Official in good standing, a grade 12 student who is graduating and attending a recognized post-secondary institution in the upcoming year. Due […]

RHS only – Lower Coverdale Home and School

Amount: $250 Information: Must have attended Lower Coverdale school and be a grad of Riverview High School. Due date: May 1st, 2023 Attachment: Lower Coverdale School May 1

Royal Canadian Legion Moncton Branch #6 Bursary

Royal Canadian Legion Moncton Branch #6 Bursary Amount: $800 x 30 Information: Eligible applicants are children, grand-children great grand-children of any person who is serving, or who has served, in […]